hey guys, I am back with another exciting topic among all the developers or students.
GitHub is GOI which means graphical interface.
GitHub is open source it means anybody can change your code.
it is a community-based server.
you can share your project here.
you can make some awesome repositories.
- Git is CLI which means command line interface.
- Git was originally authored by Linus Torvalds in 2005.
- Git is a thing that you can downlode on your local server.
Git is a version control system which means you have control
over all the files in a root directory
Version control, also known as source control it is a kind of practice of tracking and managing changes to software code.
For example:- If someone has changed the code in your file and does another commit and you don't like that so you can revert that commit by using a command called revert.
If you wanna push the file from your local server to a remote server which is Github you can.
If you have deleted any file by mistake so you can retrieve that file so easily.
In Git you can make some branches and so work over them. There is one main branch that is master in Git but In git hub
it is main by default.
There are some Important terms in Git are as follows:-
Repository ->A repository is a place where you have all your codes or kind of folder on the server.
Server -> It stores all repositories.
Working directory -> where you can see files and do the modifications.
commit -> Store changes in the repository. you will get one commit-id. it is 40 Alpha-Numeric characters.
push -> Push operations copy changes from a local repository server to a remote or central repository. This is used to store the changes permanently in the git repository.
pull -> Pull operation copies the changes from a remote repository to a local machine. The pull operation is used for synchronization between the repository.
There are some stages in Git are as follows:-
Working Directory -> It is the directory where you can see all your files and work on them.
Staging area -> There is a command in Git that is git add <file name> which means your file is staged it is still untracked but staged means it is ready to be in a git directory.
Git Directory -> git directory is a directory where all important code files are stored safely if someone deletes files so you can restore them. you can make a normal directory into a git directory via a command that we will see after some time.
There are some Important Git commands are as follows:-
git init -> Initialise an empty Repository.
git clone <repository url> -> clone an existing Git repository.
git add -> Add file/stage to Git.
git commit -m "you commit message" -> commit all the staged files to Git.
git restore<filename> -> Restore files if it was deleted by mistake.
git status -> shot the status of your Git repository.
git branch -> show the branches of your git repository.
git checkout -b <branch name> -> checkout to a new branch.
git remote -v -> show remote origin URL.
git remote add origin <you remote git url> -> Add remote URL.